Rosacea Treatment St Petersburg Florida

Are You One of the 14 Million That Suffers From Rosacea? If so, it all starts with a No-Obligation Consultation at Fresh Vitality, where we can evaluate you for Rosacea Treatment – which may include oral and topical medication,  Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and/or the Obagi Rosaclear System.

Though 1 in 20 Americans have Rosacea, most people with it don’t even realize they have it. Read on to learn a little about this common, yet barely known skin condition.

It is estimated that Rosacea affects more than 14 million Americans, occurring most commonly in adults age 30 to 60. People with Rosacea need to be aware of and avoid the known triggers – alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, and chocolate, and to be careful to wear protection when in the sun.

Rosacea Before and After Photos

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea (pronounced “roh-ZAY-sha”) is a chronic disorder of the facial skin primarily, often characterized by flare-ups and remissions. Many have observed that it typically begins any time after age 30 as a redness that may come and go on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead. In some cases, rosacea may also occur on the neck, chest, scalp or ears. Over time, the redness may increase and become more persistent, and blood vessels may become more visible. Left untreated, bumps and pimples can develop, and another condition, called Rhinophyma (pronounced “rhi-no-FY-muh”) may appear. The late comedian W.C. Fields suffered from this.

In some rosacea patients, the eyes may also be affected, feeling irritated and appearing watery or bloodshot.
Fair-skinned individuals who blush easily are believed to be at greatest risk, although rosacea can affect other skin types as well. Although it is more frequently diagnosed in women, more severe symptoms tend to be seen in men.

Genetics may play a part as 30% to 40% of patients with rosacea have a close relative with the condition. The cause of Rosacea is unknown,  and there is no cure as yet, but there is treatment available to control or reverse its signs and symptoms.

What to look for, are you a candidate for Rosacea Treatment?

Rosacea always includes at least one of the following primary signs, and various secondary signs and symptoms may also develop. Primary signs of Rosacea:

  • Flushing – Many people with rosacea have a history of frequent blushing or flushing. This facial redness may come and go, and is often the earliest sign of the disorder.
  • Persistent Redness – Persistent facial redness is the most common individual sign of rosacea, and may resemble a blush or sunburn that does not go away.
  • Bumps and Pimples – Small red solid bumps or pus-filled pimples often develop. While these may resemble acne, blackheads are absent and burning or stinging may occur.
  • Visible Blood Vessels – In many people with rosacea, small blood vessels become visible on the skin.

Other Potential Signs and Symptoms

  • Eye Irritation – In many people with rosacea, the eyes may be irritated and appear watery or bloodshot, a condition known as ocular rosacea. The eyelids also may become red and swollen, and sties are common. Severe cases can result in corneal damage and vision loss without medical help.
  • Burning or Stinging – Burning or stinging sensations may often occur on the face. Itching or a feeling of tightness may also develop.
  • Dry Appearance – The central facial skin may be rough, and thus appear to be very dry.
  • Plaques – Raised red patches, known as plaques, may develop without changes in the surrounding skin.
  • Skin Thickening – The skin may thicken and enlarge from excess tissue, most commonly on the nose. This condition, known as Rhinophyma, affects more men than women.
  • Swelling – Facial swelling, known as edema, may accompany other signs of rosacea or occur independently.

Recommended Rosacea Treatments

How is Rosacea Treated?

Because the signs and symptoms of rosacea vary from one patient to another, treatment must be tailored by a physician for each individual case.

  • Medication – Initially, both oral and topical medications may be prescribed to treat the bumps, pimples and redness often associated with Rosacea. Oral medications are useful to bring the condition under immediate control, followed by long-term use of topical therapy alone to maintain remission.
  • Intense Pulsed Light – Treatments with Intense Pulsed Light — IPL — may be used to remove visible blood vessels, reduce extensive redness or correct disfigurement of the nose. IPL is one of the services offered at Fresh Vitality that is quite beneficial in the management of Rosacea.
  • Skin Care – A gentle skin-care routine can also help. We recommend the Obagi Rosaclear System, which is a physician-prescribed, effective way to manage and help soothe Rosacea through home skin care. The Obagi Rosaclear System incorporates a therapeutic prescription component, as well as products that help calm your skin and minimize the visible redness and blotchiness associated with rosacea.
  • Sun Protection – Patients are advised to protect the skin from sun exposure using a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.
  • Cosmetics – Makeup may be used to conceal the effects of rosacea. Green-tinted moisturizers or primers can be used to counter redness. Follow up with a skin-tone foundation with natural yellow tones. Avoid those with pink or orange hues, which will exaggerate redness.
  • Lifestyle Management – In addition to medical treatment, Rosacea sufferers can help to prevent flare-ups and improve their chances of maintaining remission by identifying and avoiding lifestyle and environmental factors that trigger or aggravate their condition, like sun exposure, vigorous exercise, caffeine, stress, spicy food, excessive sugar and sweets, and alcohol.

Let Fresh Vitality be your partner in the management of the sometimes debilitating condition of Rosacea.