IPL Technology (Intense Pulsed Light) St Petersburg Florida

Correct benign skin conditions, such as sun damage, erase age spots, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, rosacea, dyschromia, melasma, poikiloderma, and angiomas on the face and other body areas with IPL technology, a treatment breakthrough.

Fresh Vitality offers IPL Pigment Correction. Remove unwanted pigment lesions with a simple flash of light!

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

IPL technology or selective photothermolysis is a treatment breakthrough that can correct a variety of benign skin conditions, such as sun damage, telangiectasias, hemangiomas, rosacea, dyschromia, melasma, poikiloderma, and angiomas on the face and other body areas. A specialized hand piece which filters light, therefore using specific wavelengths of light, is used to selectively target pigment (melanin).

What should I expect during a treatment?

After your extensive consultation to ensure you are a candidate for IPL with our Certified Medical Electrologist, you may begin treatment. A test spot will be performed to evaluate any potential adverse reactions. Depending on your skin type this can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a day to evaluate. A flashing light, an audible tone, and a mild, gentle “snap” sensation will tell you when the hand piece is being pulsed. An ice roller will be placed on the skin to soothe any discomfort and reduce any redness or swelling. To be a candidate for this treatment, you should be out of direct sunlight for a minimum of 3 weeks before your appointment, and should not have a tan on the skin at the time of treatment. Be sure to always wear a sunscreen with a SPF of at least 30 to protect your skin.

IPL Before and After Photo Gallery

Hand Rejuvenation Before and After, Treatment for Aging Hands

hand rejuvenation beforehand rejuvenation after

Age Spot Removal Before After, Treatment for Age Spots

age spot removal before picturesage spot removal after pictures

Forehead Laser Treatment Before and After, Forehead Treatment

forehead laser treatments beforeforehead laser treatments after

Photo Facial Before and After Treatment

photo facial treatment beforephoto facial treatment after

Before Photo Facial Treatment, Face Treatment

photo facial before cheeksphoto facial after ipl cheeks

What should I expect after the treatment?

Once a pigment lesion has been treated, it will become darker over the next few days. Pigmented lesions undergo a mild desquamation and slough off within two or three days. Avoid sun exposure while the lesions are healing. As a result of the red and brown lesions being evened out, light will reflect better off the skin and will not look as dull and tired. The result is clearer, radiant, glowing skin. It is important to continue to use an effective sun block between treatments and after completion of the series of treatments so that the result achieved can have lasting effects.

How often do I need IPL?

A series of 3-5 treatments are advised for optimal results, though you may see much improvement after just one treatment. Treatments are typically performed 3-4 weeks apart.