Permanent Hair Reduction and Hair Removal St Petersburg Florida
Ready to throw away your RAZOR for good? Fresh Vitality Med Spa of St Petersburg offers Laser Hair Removal, Electrolysis, and Waxing. Schedule your Hair Removal appointment today!
We offer multiple options for permanent hair reduction. Broadband Light (BBL), Intense Pulse Light (IPL) & YAG offer an effective and comfortable treatment to reduce unwanted hair on all skin tones, and hair colors. Pulses of light are absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and converted to heat, destroying the follicle and disabling the cells responsible for new hair growth.
Laser Hair Removal
At Fresh Vitality Medical Spa, we use the Sciton BBL (BroadBand Light) Laser for our hair removal procedures. The Sciton offers a fast, effective, and comfortable alternative to traditional laser treatments for hair removal. Broadband light hair removal works by emitting intense light into the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and converted to heat. The heat then destroys the hair follicle and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. Contact cooling ensures patient comfort and safety. Specific wavelengths can target both finer and coarser hair, as well as lighter hair, on ALL skin types.
Laser Hair Removal Testimonial
I just completed six treatment sessions for Laser Hair Removal at Fresh Vitality, and I need to share with other women that this results in a special kind of happy! How great to not have to shave my underarms any more … not only is it a time-saver, but so much more attractive to have smooth underarms. Since I am dark-haired, I always had a “5 o’clock shadow” under my arms – but no more! I also had my upper lip area done, so no more “mustache” either anymore! Anyone who can identify with this needs to call for an appointment. I am SO pleased with the results. – L.M.J. Age 54
Before and After Photo Gallery
Lip hair removal before and after picture.
Leg hair removal before and after picture.
Stomach hair removal before and after picture.
Electrolysis is one of the only FDA approved methods of hair removal, not hair reduction. With electrolysis, individual hairs from the face or body are terminated. Today’s medical electrolysis devices destroy the growth center of the hair with chemical or heat energy with little discomfort. After a very fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle, the hair is removed with tweezers. Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, including the eyebrows, face, abdomen, thighs, breasts, and legs. There are generally no permanent side effects, but sometimes a temporary, slight reddening of the skin may occur the day of the treatment. Electrolysis is the best option for stubborn gray hair removal for both men and woman. It is the perfect answer for those suffering with frustrating hard to treat chin, ear and nose hair. Depending on the cycle of hair growth it may take several treatments to terminate the hair follicle.
Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal. New hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for two to eight weeks, although some people will start to see regrowth in only a week. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair.